
уторак, 22. март 2011.

Nick Cave, Kylie Minogue, Shane MacGowan - Death is not the end

Death is not the end - pesma koju je Nik Kejv snimio sa Kajli Minog 1995. Tu je i Šejn MekGaven, standardno,  pijan ko zemlja :). Stvar je sa albuma Murder Ballads. Orginalnu verziju ove pesme izvodi Bob Dilan...

Morao sam da zakačim i tekst pesme čisto zbog većeg zadovoljstva i potpunijeg ugođaja ;) ....

Nick Cave - Death is not the end

When you're sad and when you're lonely
And you haven't got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you held sacred
Falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

When you're standing on the crossroads
That you cannot comprehend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all your dreams have vanished
And you don't know what's up the bend
Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

When the storm clouds gather round you
And heavy rains descend
Just remember that death is not the end
And there's no-one there to comfort you
With a helping hand to lend
Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

For the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation
Up in dark and empty skies

When the cities are on fire
With the burning flesh of men
Just remember that death is not the end
When you search in vain to find
Some law-abiding citizen
Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

I za kraj ovog posta citiraću gospodina Kejva:
"I'm a believer. I don't go to church. I don't belong to any particular religion, but I do believe in God. I couldn't write what I write about and be creative without a certain form of belief. "
Nick Cave
... i gospođu Minog:
"A few years ago my goal was to try and get the goddamned album made, which put me in a real bad frame of mind."
Kylie Minogue
...kao i MekGavena...
"I drink because I'm thirsty. "
Shane MacGowan

2 коментара:

  1. Msm da se tekst malo razilayi tj izmesan je redosled ali to uopste nije vazno :D! Super!
    Hvala za ovaj post :D!!!

  2. Sto godina nisam cuo ovu pesmu...): Odlicno ((;!
